How much does Ermaz Cargo charge for shipment?

We charge $35 per cubic foot with a minimum charge of $300 per client, even if the package is smaller than 10 cubic feet.

How long does shipment take to Uganda?

70-80 days. This includes days for clearance.

Does the price include clearance fee?

Yes, we do. Clearing costs are determined by the value of your cargo and cannot be quoted without a full manifest and the values of your goods. Once we receive your full manifest, we can generate a spot quote for your shipment from door to door, warehouse to

warehouse, or warehouse to the port.

How should I label my ocean cargo?

All ocean freight must have the receiver’s name in Uganda. You’ll get your warehouse code in your shipping account. If you are in the US, you will need to create a shipping account and add your receiver’s name in Uganda to generate their warehouse code.

Shipping Options : USA Residents

1. Buy, pack and ship straight to our Houston Texas warehouse.

2. We pick up packed shipment from your home for a fee. Please contact agent for


Shipping Options : Non-USA Residents

Customer shops online, at checkout, adds our Houston Texas warehouse address as the delivery address. Contacts agent and provides tracking number for your purchase. When the product has been delivered to the warehouse, the agent will contact customer and provide an update. Depending on the purchase, packing fees may apply.

Do you ship by air?

Air Shipping is coming soon.

ermaz cargo brand shipping reliable

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